Aflata in plina ascensiune, Alexandra Conunova este una dintre tinerele sperante ale muzicii clasice din Republica Moldova, confirmand deja la concursuri importante si pe unele dintre cele mai celebre scene de concerte ale lumii ca poseda un deosebit talent si o tehnica interpretative de inalt nivel.
Violonista, care provine dintr-o familie de muzicieni, s-a nascut pe 16 noiembrie 1988 în Republica Moldova si a început studiul viorii la 6 ani cu profesoara Galina Buinovschi la Liceul de Muzica „C.Porumbescu” de la Chisinau, continuand studiile cu profesorul Krzysztof Wegrzyn la Universitatea de Muzica de la Hanovra. Deasemenea a urmat cursuri de maiestrie cu Boris Kuschnir, Mihaela Marti, Ivry Gitlis și Igor Oistrah.
Tanara muziciana Alexandra Conunova a obtinut numeroase premii de-a lungul carierei sale solistice la concursuri de prima marime precum Concursul Internațional „George Enescu”, Concursul Internațional al Violoniștilor „Tibor Varga”, Concursul Internațional al Violoniștilor „Ion Voicu”, sau Concursul de Vioara „Joseph Joachim”, de la Hanovra.
Avand deja foarte multe aparitii pe podiumurile de concert internationale, Alexandra Conunova a colaborat cu personalitați ca Ilarion Ionescu-Galati, Alexandru Lascae, Hannu Lintu, Juhani Numminen, Patrick Strub, Gabor Takács-Nagy, Johannes Wildner și Niklas Willén, dar si cu diferite orchestre, cateva dintre acestea fiind „Hofer Symphoniker” din Hof, Orchestra „Hermitage” din Sankt-Petersburg, „Kammerorchester” din München, Orchestra Internaționala din Geneva, Orchestra Simfonica a Filarmonicii de Stat din Belarus, Orchestra Simfonica „NDR Radio Filarmonica” din Hamburg, Orchestra de Camera din Instanbul, Orchestra Simfonica a Filarmonicii din Iași.
Sustinuta de Fundatia „Arts Global Artistic” , Alexandra Conunova canta pe vioara “Santo – Seraphin” construita in 1735 la Veneția, ce i-a fost oferita de fundatia germana “Deutsche Stiftung Musikleben” si locuieste actualmente in Elveția unde isi continua activitatea artistica.
Alexandra Conunova was born in 1988 in the Republic of Moldova and took up the violin at the age of six. She studied with Professor Petru Munteanu at the University of Music in Rostock, with Professor Krzysztof Wegrzyn at the University of Music in Hannover and with Professor Renaud Capuçon at the Haute Ecole de Musique de Lausanne. She has received taken additional classes with Ivry Gitlis, Igor Oistrakh, Igor Ozim and others. She currently plays the Santo-Seraphin Violin, dated 1735, Venezia, kindly loaned by the “Deutsche Stiftung Musikleben”.
Alexandra Conunova attracted public and critical acclaim when she won First Prize at the Joseph Joachim Violin Competition in Hanover in the autumn 2012. She was praised by the jury for her vivid tone and her highly virtuoso dramatic art and Hannoversche Allgemeine Zeitung wrote that she “shows with what radiance of tone she is able to endow her music-making. Her interpretations of Bach’s baroque dances are sometimes austere and yet wonderfully cantabile, at other times truly dance-like or – as in the Bourrée – with a high degree of virtuosity.”
Alexandra Conunova’s current season include concerts at the Radio France Festival, Festival de Pâques, Schloss Elmau, Verbier Festival and others. She will perform with the Camerata Bern, the Erfurt Philharmonic Orchestra, the NDR Radio Philharmonic and the Moscow Soloists. She will also tour in Japan in 2016.
Alexandra Conunova has won major prizes at competitions such as the 2015 Singapore International Violin Competition, the 2011 George Enescu International Violin Competition as well as at Tibor Varga (2010), Ion Voicu (2009) and Henri Marteau (2008). Alexandra Conunova was awarded the Julius Bär Prize for the most accomplished artist of the Verbier Festival Academy 2013. This prize also includes a solo recital in the official programme of the Verbier Festival 2015.
She has established herself as a soloist of a high level. She has performed with orchestras such as the Bucharest Symphony Orchestra, Hungarian State Opera, Hermitage Orchestra St-Petersburg, Mahler Chamber Orchestra, Moscow Soloists, NDR Radio Philharmonic, Nuremberg Symphony Orchestra, Saarbrücken Symphony Orchestra, Verbier Festival Chamber Orchestra, Vienna Chamber Orchestra, and Wuhan Symphony Orchestra. She has collaborated with conductors including Christian Badea, Yury Bashmet, Teodor Currentzis, Hannu Lintu, Andrew Matze and Gabor Takacs-Nagy.
Alexandra is also a devoted chamber musician. She regularly collaborates with artists such as Boris Brovtsyn, Gérard Caussé, Renaud Capuçon, Finghin Collins, Blythe Teh Engstroem, Katia and Marielle Labèque, Yura Lee, Michail Lifits, Alexander Melnikov, Paul Meyer, Edgar Moreau, Andreas Ottensamer, Julien Quentin, Alexei Stadler, Kirill Troussov, Istvan Vardai and others.